Performance Art has a transformative power to awaken emotions and reveal truths in imaginative ways, fostering deeper connection with each other, educating the community, cultivating talent, and elevating consciousness.
The stage offers a uniquely personal and communal experience that can spark wonder, and communal experience that can spark wonder and imagination. The immediacy, pathos, and dimension of the stage is immensely rewarding for audiences. In return, your loyal donors, subscribers, and patrons provide financial stability and support that is essential for programming. That’s where we can help…
We are your Ally. We support your creative mission by offering assistance where you need it most: solutions to help you raise revenue through season subscriptions, ticket sales, and donor philanthropy. Through our successful multichannel direct response approach, we blend strategy, technology, and execution to successfully elevate engagement and response.
Giving Tuesday Fundraising Goal achieved
sellout seasons DM and Mktg campaigns
increase in annual giving in first year campoign
of annual giving goal achieved 3 consecutive years